Spiridon Research - Kodiak, Chignik, Alaska Peninsula, and Aleutian Islands
The Spiridon Lake sockeye salmon stocking project was initiated in 1991 in cooperation between the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) and the Kodiak Regional Aquaculture Association (KRAA
Spiridon Lake (57°40' N lat, 153°39' W long) is located on the northwest side of Kodiak Island in the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, approximately 74 km southwest of the City of Kodiak. The lake is 9.6 km long, up to 1.6 km wide, and has a surface area of 9.2 km2.
Spiridon Lake is at an elevation of 136 m, has a mean depth of 35 m, and a maximum depth of 82 m. The Spiridon Lake outlet stream (Telrod Creek) is approximately 2 km long and empties into Telrod Cove.
Telrod Creek has three waterfalls that are impassable to anadromous fish. Two waterfalls are located approximately 0.8 km downstream of the lake outlet, and a third waterfall, located near the stream terminus, blocks salmon from migrating further upstream.
Resident fish in Spiridon Lake include: rainbow trout O. mykiss, Dolly Varden char Salvenlinus malma, threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus, and freshwater sculpin Cottus aleuticus.
The Pillar Creek hatchery has reared sockeye salmon from a Saltery Lake broodstock for release in Spiridon Lake.
The ADF&G operates a smolt trapping system at Telrod Creek, where smolt are counted as they enter a pipeline system which safely circumnavigates the waterfalls. Samples are collected to determine age and condition of the fish.
Stocking densities for Spiridon Lake are determined by estimating the lake's rearing capacity based on in-season zooplankton biomass from May through July.
On average, about 114,000 sockeye salmon have been harvested annually in the Telrod Cove special harvest area.