Division of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) Publication Details
What do bearded seals really eat -- A methods comparison
- Reference: Bryan, A., L. Quakenbush, and L. Horstmann-Dehn. 2015. What do bearded seals really eat -- A methods comparison [abstract]. Page 85 [In] J. Lee, and E. Yaumiishi, editors. Abstracts of the 2015 Alaska Marine Science Symposium, 19-23 January 2015, Anchorage, Alaska.
- Audiences: Wildlife Manager
- Authors: Anna Bryan, Lara Horstmann, Lori T. Quakenbush
- Funding Sources:
- Grants:
- GMUs or Areas:
- Keywords: bearded seal, Erignathus barbatus, diet, technique comparison, stomach contents, stable isotopes, fatty acids, fecal DNA
- Link: https://www.alaskamarinescience.org/s/2015_AMSS_AbstractBook.pdf#page=93 (Offsite)
- Partners:
- Primary Authors: Anna Bryan
- Programs: Marine Mammals
- Project Numbers:
- Publication Types: Abstract/Poster/Presentation (Scientific)
- Regions: Region V - Arctic and Western Alaska
- Species: Bearded Seal
- Species Categories: Mammals, Marine Mammals
- Title: What do bearded seals really eat -- A methods comparison
- Topics: Research, Technique Development (e.g., population survey, breakaway snares), Diet
- Year: 2015
See more: Wildlife Publications