North Slope Management Area
Fishing Management
The North Slope of the Brooks Range subarea includes all waters north of the Brooks Range flowing into the Beaufort and Chukchi seas from Point Hope on the west to the Canadian border on the east including adjacent saltwater areas. Major drainages in this area include the Colville, Sagavanirktok, Canning, and Kuparuk rivers. These drainages provide rearing, spawning and winter habitat for diadromous Beaufort Sea Dolly Varden. The state's third largest lake, Teshekpuk Lake, is found here on the coastal plan, as are hundreds of smaller lakes. Most of these lakes are inaccessible by road and too shallow to support fish populations, but there are dozens of lakes that contain lake trout, Arctic char, Arctic grayling, and burbot. These populations are generally slow-growing and can support only minimal harvests.