Southeast Alaska / Yakutat Area
Subsistence Fishing
Ongoing research: The subsistence harvest of herring spawn in Sitka, Alaska. Project summary — Working cooperatively with the Sitka Tribe of Alaska, the primary goal of this project is to produce estimates of subsistence harvests of herring eggs-on-hemlock-branches by harvesters in Sitka Sound. Through face-to-face interviews of harvesters, the project will produce estimates of (1) the total pounds of herring eggs-on-hemlock-branches harvested and, (2) the total pounds of herring eggs harvested on kelp, seaweed and other substrate. There is also a wide diversity of other projects detailing the subsistence harvest of resources. These include the following technical papers which can be found under Data and Reports:
- Liliana C. Naves, Michael F. Turek, and William E. Simeone. 2010. Subsistence-personal use salmon harvest, Southeast-Yakutat management region, 1996-2006. ADF&G Division of Subsistence, Technical Paper No. 350.
- Robert J. Wolfe; James A. Fall; Monica Riedel. 2009. The subsistence harvest of harbor seals and sea lions by Alaska Natives in 2008. ADF&G Division of Subsistence, Technical Paper No. 347.
- Michael Turek, Nancy Ratner, William E. Simeone, and Davin L. Holen. 2009. Subsistence harvests and local knowledge of rockfish Sebastes in four Alaskan communities. ADF&G Division of Subsistence, Technical Paper No. 337.
- Mathew Brock, Philippa Coiley-Kenner. 2009. A compilation of traditional knowledge about the fisheries of Southeast Alaska. ADF&G Division of Subsistence, Technical Paper No. 332.
- Amy W. Paige, Sandra Churchill, Nancy Ratner, Michael Turek, and Philippa Coiley-Kenner. 2009. Local knowledge, harvest patterns, and community uses of salmon in Wrangell, Alaska. ADF&G Division of Subsistence, Technical Paper No. 323.
- Robert Walker. 2009. The validity and reliability of fisheries harvest monitoring methods, Southeast Alaska. ADF&G Division of Subsistence, Technical Paper No. 286.