Department of Natural Resources
The Department of Natural Resource’s (DNR) mission is to develop, conserve, and enhance natural resources for present and future Alaskans. ADF&G works with multiple divisions at DNR during the review of land use plans and activities, as described below.
The Division of Forestry, among other duties, and in conjunction with ADF&G and DEC, protects water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, and other forest values through appropriate forest practices and administration of the Forest Resources and Practices Act.
The Division of Mining, Land and Water manages all state-owned land except for trust property and units of the Alaska State Park System, which includes over 100 million acres of uplands. They also manage Alaska’s 65 million acres of tidelands, shorelands, and submerged lands. They also have jurisdiction over all of the state’s water resources, which is of important interest to ADF&G.
The Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation provides outdoor recreation opportunities and conserves and interprets natural, cultural, and historic resources for the use, enjoyment, and welfare of the people. The division specifically manages State Parks, as well as other units of particular interest to ADF&G including the Kenai River Special Management Area and the Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve.
The Office of Project Management and Permitting (OPMP) coordinates the review of larger-scale projects in the state. The complexity and potential impact of these projects typically involves multiple divisions or agencies, and OPMP serves the project coordinator. Project types include oil and gas, mining, and transportation, among others. ADF&G staff are members of the Large Project Review teams for these projects.