Our Agency
To protect, maintain, and improve the fish, game, and aquatic plant resources of the state, and manage their use and development in the best interest of the economy and the well-being of the people of the state, consistent with the sustained yield principle.
Guiding Principles:
Seeking excellence in carrying out its responsibilities under state and federal law, the department will:
- Provide for the greatest long-term opportunities for people to use and enjoy Alaska’s fish, wildlife, and habitat resources.
- Improve public accessibility to, and encourage active involvement by the public in, the department’s decision-making processes.
- Build a working environment based on mutual trust and respect between the department and the public, and among department staff.
- Maintain the highest standards of scientific integrity and provide the most accurate and current information possible.
- Foster professionalism in department staff, promote innovative and creative resource management, and provide ongoing training and education for career development.
Core Services:
- Provide opportunities to utilize fish and wildlife resources.
- Ensure sustainability and harvestable surplus of fish and wildlife resources.
- Provide information on Alaska fish and wildlife resources to all customers.
- Involve the public in management of fish and wildlife resources.
- Protect the state's sovereignty to manage fish and wildlife resources.
- Protect important fish and wildlife habitat during permit and project review.
- Optimize economic benefits from fish and wildlife resources.
- Optimize public participation in fish and wildlife pursuits.
- Increase public knowledge and confidence that wild populations of fish and wildlife are responsibly managed.