Anchor River/Fritz Creek —
Critical Habitat Area
Visitor Information
Public Use
The Anchor River valley and Fritz Creek drainages receive a lot of recreational use from local residents. Hunting, fishing, trapping, wildlife viewing, and photography are popular activities with hiking, snowshoeing, Nordic skiing, and snowmachining the methods of travel used. In a given year, between 300 and 400 hunters may hunt the Anchor River drainage with approximately 50 bull moose taken from the area annually. Beaver, river otter, mink, coyote, lynx, and wolf are harvested by trapline. Rainbow trout and Dolly Varden are fished in the upper reaches of the Anchor River. A popular fishing area, the Anchor River sustains 13,000 angler days fishing effort per year.
Public Access
Public access to the critical habitat area is gained from the Anchor River -North Fork loop road on the west, and the Ohlson Mountain Road and the Watermelon Trail.