Kuskokwim location map

Commercial Herring Fisheries
Kuskokwim Management Area

The Kuskokwim Management Area for herring includes all waters of Alaska that flow into the Bering Sea between Cape Newenham and the Naskonat Peninsula to 3 miles seaward as well as the waters surrounding Nunivak and St. Matthew Islands to 3 miles seaward (5 AAC 27.870). This area supports a subsistence Pacific herring Clupea pallasii fishery and historically supported 5 commercial herring sac roe districts. Herring stock assessment activities occurred until 2013, when the commercial market left the KMA. Tiernan and Gray (2020) provide a full history of the assessment and harvest of KMA herring.


Kuskokwim Area Herring Districts (Image file 24 kB)

Fishery Advisory Announcements

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