We are excited to announce that we tagged an adult male bearded seal in Dease Inlet on 9 September; very few adult bearded seals have been captured and tagged in Alaskan waters. This seal was tagged as part of a collaborative effort between Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Arctic Marine Mammal Program and North Slope Borough, Department of Wildlife Management staff. We deployed a CTD tag on BS19-01-M, as well as a flipper (SPOT) tag. The flipper tag was provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Marine Mammal Laboratory.
From 1 to 16 September, we received locations for 1 bearded, 5 ringed, and 1 spotted seal. Since being tagged, the adult bearded seal (BS19-01-M, red square) left Dease Inlet and has made localized movements in Barrow Canyon. Three ringed seals (RS19-01-M, red arrow; RS19-04-M, blue arrow; and RS19-05-M, purple arrow) moved along the continental shelf break (200-m isobath) in the Chukchi or Beaufort sea. The remaining two ringed seals are in the northern Chukchi Sea. Spotted seal SS18-02-M (brown circle) made localized movements and hauled out near Scammon Bay in the Bering Sea. Sea ice data are courtesy of the U.S. National Ice Center, dated 16 September 2019 (http://www.natice.noaa.gov/products/daily_products.html).