Ice Seal Tracking Maps Archive

09/266/2017 – 10/275/2017

Requested Tracking Map
During the last 10 days we have received locations for 4 bearded, 2 ringed, and 7 spotted seals. Two of the three bearded seals tagged near Koyuk in September (BS17-03-M, blue square, and BS17-04-F, green square) have traveled west along the northern coast of Norton Sound. The third bearded seal (BS17-02-F, red square) has remained near Koyuk. After traveling as far north as 81.66°N (400 miles north of the 200 meter isopleth), ringed seal RS17-01-M (red arrow) has started to move south, with the advancing sea ice, toward the Chukchi Shelf. Ringed seal RS17-02-M (yellow arrow) has moved south of the 200 meter isopleth and is currently traveling along the northwest coast of Alaska. One of the spotted seals tagged near the mouth of the Colville River in mid-August (SS17-07-M, purple circle) has returned to near its tagging location. The three spotted seals tagged near Scammon Bay in July are still in the eastern Bering Sea, between St. Lawrence and Nunivak islands. Sea ice data are courtesy of the U.S. National Ice Center, dated 2 October (

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